Rooms by 0xdgb is a 1/1/x generative collection built on Transient Labs' ERC-7160 contract. At some point all Doors will open, revealing 200 different Rooms randomly generated from hundreds of different items, traits and attributes. ERC7160 are dynamic multi-metadata tokens, allowing for future artwork updates. Meaning some collectors may find new items in their Rooms from time to time. What's behind your Door?
You can access the contract here.
Firstly, go to the Camera that you own in OpenSea, and go to the 'Details' section.
Make a note of your Token ID, then click the contract address above, this will open Etherscan.
Please note: the transaction will require a small gas fee.
Once the transaction is complete, head back to your Camera on OpenSea and refresh the metadata.
After a few minutes, refresh the page and you should see your chosen camera!
Remember: You can change your camera as many times as you like before the deadline, but once the deadline has passed, the metadata will be frozen and your final choice will be locked in.