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24 Hours of Art
by RD

2024 Token Mint


366 tokens* (1 for each day of 2024) were offered via public sale for 0.24 ETH each. 24 of the tokens were held back.

These tokens tell the story of 2024, first updating to a unique date, then two stages of 1/1/366 art as the date, then year pass. They act as access to the brand Telegram, upgraded report, weekly show, and monthly macro recap.

Token 1 Auction

**Auction won by chikai.eth for 2.31208 ETH**

A zero reserve auction for the 1st ever 24 Hours of Art token begins Wednesday, 12/27 at 1:00pm ET and ends Thursday, 12/28 at 1:00pm ET. Bids entered within the last 15 minutes reset clock to 15 minutes.

This token is the first of the final 24 days of 2023 being minted. The other days are gifted to key inspirations and supporters who 24 Hours of Art would not be here without.

What is 24 Hours of Art?

24 Hours of Art by Roger Dickerman (RD) is a daily, independent report that covers the digital art medium and marketplace on blockchain.


What is the concept of the '24 Hours of Art' mint?
How are tokens distributed?
What is the significance of the 366 tokens?
What are the minting details?
What are the key dates and events for '24 Hours of Art'?
What is the utility of '24 Hours of Art' tokens?
What happens to unsold tokens, if any, at the end of the minting period?
Can token holders resell or transfer their tokens?
What are the long-term goals of '24 Hours of Art'?